Charitable Planning

Leaving a lasting legacy for the causes that matter most to you.

Experience you can trust

Your Dreams for the Future Can Last for Generations

Scope of service

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At Sonmore Financial, we know the importance of giving back. Cooperating with our network of legal and tax professionals—or working with your own trusted advisors—we can help you design and implement the right structures and vehicles to ensure that your philanthropic and charitable legacy is secured. From donor-advised funds to trusts, from strategically designed gifting agreements to charitable foundations, we can help you design your vision for the future with confidence. After learning all we can about your priorities and goals, we can then guide you toward the solutions that will most efficiently meet your wishes.

Strategies To Help You Leave A Legacy That Lasts


Sometimes it's more efficient for our clients to give non-cash assets but it is often complicated for charities to accept this type of donation. Donor-advised funds make it possible to transfer assets like stock, cryptocurrency, or mutual funds to charities of your choice. At Sonmore, we can help you support your charities in smarter ways and help maximize your current charitable strategy with a donor-advised fund.


Determining the best charitable giving strategies helps you realize and broaden your philanthropic intent through tax-advantage options. We look at your charitable goals and objectives and help define the best approach to give.


This strategy is something that should be considered for those looking for a way to do good while reducing the tax burden of required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your IRAs. Congress made permanent the qualified charitable distribution (QCD) rule, which allows you as a traditional IRA owner to exclude RMDs from your adjusted gross income if you give the money to a qualified charitable organization. Ultimately, this is a long-term tax strategy that could lower your taxes while doing good in the world.

Giving Guidance and Legacy Building

At Sonmore, we can help you create your personal giving strategy. By planning well and giving back to charities that are most important to you — whether through giving of your time, money, or non-cash assets – we can work with you to do good, create a life-long legacy, and help you reduce taxes along the way. 

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What You Can Expect

Whether you are building assets for the future or seeking to protect, enjoy and pass on those you already have, Sonmore Financial provides the sound, professional counsel to help you get there, with confidence. Learn more about what you can expect in the first 90 days with our team.

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